December 10, 2013

New RayBan sunnies, old tartan shirt...

 I totally forgot about this 6-year-old 'tartan' shirt from Tally Weijl, until my little girl was playing in the closet and she pulled it out.. Hehe.. When I saw the New RayBan collection for S/S 2014., I was thrilled.. Thin frames, transparent glass... Even my darling wants to borrow them :P
My lovelies, the collection arrived in optics, and if you didn't choose a gift for your lover - here is my suggestion (and at the same time you can borrow them under the pretext that you wear them better) :-P
(P.S. Krampus has passed, and you will not get the rod!!)

Totalno sam zaboravila na ovu 6 godina staru 'tartan' košulju iz Tally Weijla, dok mi se curica nije igrala u ormaru i tako ju izvukla.. Hehe.. Kad sam vidjela novu RayBan kolekciju za proljeće / ljeto 2014., oduševila sam se.. Tanki okviri, prozirna stakla... Čak i moj dragi ih žica da posudi :-P Eto prijedloga drage moje, kolekcija je stigla u optike, ako još ništa niste odabrale za poklon ispod bora svom dragom (a istovremeno ih možete posuditi pod izgovor da vama još bolje stoje!!) :-P
(P.S. Sveti Nikola i Krampus su prošli, nećete dobiti šibu)

I wore:
Tally Weijl tartan shirt
Asos dungarees
Bracelets from everywhere
Zara necklace
RayBan sunglasses
Jeffrey Campbell Lita shoes

December 8, 2013


 You can notice that my style is in grunge phase. Maybe it is because of newly discovered my mom's boots?! Hehe.. How do you like this outfit?

November 3, 2013

October outfits

Which one is your favourite?

1. Multifunctional clothes
2. Here is : my first tatoo.
3. Timeless
4. La Dolce Vita
5. Blue Dungarees
6. Lovely dungarees..
7. Giveaway: Who is the winner?

October 29, 2013

Blue Dungarees

Here is another outfit post with the blue ring that you can win! Don't forget read THIS post and leave your email address! Kisses :-)

October 25, 2013

New In and little Giveaway

 Hello my lovelies, like I promised, I have one little giveaway for you! Here you can see new stuff in my closet this week! Also, you can see that blue is my favourite color for this season! Here are my new Moschino belt from Net-A-Porter site and shoes, clutch and rings from my favourite site - Asos. Blue ring (picture down) you can win! Only what you need to do is:
1. Like my page on Facebook here;
2. Follow me on Bloglovin here;
3. Leave the comment with your e-mail address here!
Giveaway ends on Thursday, and until then, you will see the ring in my combinations. Good luck, kisses!

Dragi moji kao što sam i obećala danas je na redu maleni giveaway! U ovom postu također možete vidjeti koje su nove stvari dospile u moj ormar ovaj tjedan i kako je u ovoj sezoni moja omiljena boja plava! Ovdje su Mochino remen sa Net-A-Porter sitea i cipele, torba i prstenje s omiljenog Asos sitea. Plavi prsten koji vidite na slici dolje možete osvojiti! Evo što trebate učiniti:
1. Lajkajte moju stranicu na Facebooku ovdje;
2. Pratite me na Bloglovinu ovdje;
3. Ostavite komentar sa svojom e-mail adresom!
Giveaway će trajati do sljedećeg četvrtka, a prsten će te viđati u svim kombinacijama do tada! Sretno, pusa!

October 1, 2013

Multifunctional clothes


These pieces of clothes you have already had the opportunity to see in my combinations! I love it when I can wear the same clothes in the different combinations and occasions. In this outfit you can do this with every piece.

September 29, 2013

I want all of these:

Hello! I just made ​​my Sheinside wish list! The first collage includes sportswear - which can be combined with elegant/classic pieces, and other one with classic/elegant clothes that can also be combined with a sportier combinations. You know what  I mean?! :P Haha! I would love to just put all the pieces in the bag and wait for the postman.. While I refrain, I have a question for you: if you can choose only one piece of these, which would it be?

August 28, 2013

Interview / little fashion lexicon /


I bring you an article today, my fashion lexicon from A to S, that was released a month ago on wannabemagazine.comHere is the link! Enjoy! xoxo (Please use google translator)

Danas vam donosim članak: moj modni leksikon od A do Š, objavljen prije mjesec dana na wannabemagazine.comTu je link! Uživajte!Pusa

July 11, 2013

Monthly Report: June

Jao tek  danas sam shvatila kako nisam objavila kombinacije 4.mjeseca bloga, tj. mjeseca lipnja!
U ovom mjesecu u pauzama između posjeta doktoru bila sam na otvaranju Ray Ban cornera optike Anda u Joker centru Split, uhvatila svoju prvu boju (kupala se još nisam) i osvojila karte za sva tri dana In Music festivala na koji, nažalost, nikako nisam mogla otići- zahvaljujući ovoj prvoj kombinaciji ''I'm back!''. Danas je već 11.07., šaljem pusu svim mojim dragim pratiteljima do sljedećeg mjesečnog izvještaja. Koji su vaši planovi za ovaj mjesec? I koji outfit je vaš favorit?

July 6, 2013

Grayness - Denim + Denim

Dragi moji! Prva narudžba povom ulaska u EU je obavljena! Stigle su mi Isabel Marant tenisice koje su mi tiha patnja već duže od godinu dana.. Kad god sam bila u prilici da kupim, već bi se rasprodale.. I sad, dan-dva prije slavnog 01. srpnja, osvanu na NET-A-PORTER!! Nevjerojatno su brzi, naručene su u ponedjeljak popodne, a stigle u srijedu ujutro!
Ovih dana razveselio me i Madison 'gumeni' sat, koji se dobije kao poklon uz kupljene Vogue naočale. Više o tome možete tu pročitati: Kupi sunčane naočale i osvoji sat! Izabrala sam sivi sa zlatnim krugom. Već ga volim, kao i Zarine hlačice i Vogue crne naočale od kojih se, primjetili se, ne odvajam!

I wore:
Vintage Levi's shirt
Zara shorts
Madison watch
Vogue sunglasses
H&M rings
Alexander Wang bag
Bata shoes

