October 29, 2013

Blue Dungarees

Here is another outfit post with the blue ring that you can win! Don't forget read THIS post and leave your email address! Kisses :-)

October 25, 2013

New In and little Giveaway

 Hello my lovelies, like I promised, I have one little giveaway for you! Here you can see new stuff in my closet this week! Also, you can see that blue is my favourite color for this season! Here are my new Moschino belt from Net-A-Porter site and shoes, clutch and rings from my favourite site - Asos. Blue ring (picture down) you can win! Only what you need to do is:
1. Like my page on Facebook here;
2. Follow me on Bloglovin here;
3. Leave the comment with your e-mail address here!
Giveaway ends on Thursday, and until then, you will see the ring in my combinations. Good luck, kisses!

Dragi moji kao što sam i obećala danas je na redu maleni giveaway! U ovom postu također možete vidjeti koje su nove stvari dospile u moj ormar ovaj tjedan i kako je u ovoj sezoni moja omiljena boja plava! Ovdje su Mochino remen sa Net-A-Porter sitea i cipele, torba i prstenje s omiljenog Asos sitea. Plavi prsten koji vidite na slici dolje možete osvojiti! Evo što trebate učiniti:
1. Lajkajte moju stranicu na Facebooku ovdje;
2. Pratite me na Bloglovinu ovdje;
3. Ostavite komentar sa svojom e-mail adresom!
Giveaway će trajati do sljedećeg četvrtka, a prsten će te viđati u svim kombinacijama do tada! Sretno, pusa!

October 1, 2013

Multifunctional clothes


These pieces of clothes you have already had the opportunity to see in my combinations! I love it when I can wear the same clothes in the different combinations and occasions. In this outfit you can do this with every piece.
